Christmas is over. We had a good Holiday. The girls were so anxious for Santa. Christmas Eve Micah threatened Livy that if she didn't behave then the Elves would report to Santa and he wouldn't come. So Micah had Livy appologize to the Elves, out loud. She shouted, "I am sorry elves!" and then she came in and told me that she appologized. The storm hit us in West Jordan pretty hard Christmas morning. Our power was out till about 10:00 am. We have our tree set up downstairs and so it doesn't get alot of natural light from outside, and we weren't quite prepared with flashlights or candles, so we were opening presents in the dark. Micah had given me a couple of shirts and I couldn't quite tell what colors they were because it was so dark.
We then had to drive up to Logan and visit families. We came back the next day to find that we were snowed out of our driveway. A neighbor friend came with his four-wheeler and attached plow to help us get into the house. I can't believe how much snow we got. I love it. If it is going to be cold then let it be snowy. It at least gives us something pretty to look at.
I hope everyone had a safe and merry christmas. We love you all.