Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Very First Blog

Well, I finally did it, I have a Blog! I didn't want to, my bestest friend Amber was mad that I don't have one and decided that I needed one. She even set it up for me clear in Arizona, so thanks Amber. I think this will be fun. I might have a hard time taking it seriously so don't be suprised if there are a few sarcastic comments. That is just how I am. So sit back, grab some popcorn and and enjoy the show.


  1. YEAH!!! A new blog! I am so excited to really catch up with your family! Your girls are sooooo cute. Maybe one day I will see you again. Where does your friend live in Az? Maybe I know her? :) Update soon! Nat

  2. FINALLY! Get with the times girl! just kidding! I am excited to catch up on your life's ups and downs!

    (Michelle's blog is linked on my page too)
